Monday, August 24, 2009

Colt 45 has some news...

Go to for an update of the life of an 8 year old boy growing up in Eastern Oregon.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Like Father, Like Daughter

Warning: Due to gruesome content the following could be objectionable to some viewers! Proceed at your own risk.

We had an eventful weekend! We went to help Jeff move, we were only there for a few hours when McKay slammed the door on Oakley's finger, cutting off the tip of her middle finger on the right hand. Grandma Anderson ran to her aid, opened the door and got her hand out. She was heading to the bathroom when I looked around the corner and saw lots of blood, I grabbed Oakley from Grandma and ran in the bathroom. I was about to run in it under cold water when I realized that the tip of her finger was hanging off to the side. I turned around and told Jeff and Johanna that we needed to go to the hospital because the tip of her finger was gone. That wasn't a very good choice of words, Johanna ran into the kitchen, started filling a cup with water, and asking Megan where a flashlight was! Within seconds she was back at the door looking for Oakley's finger! When I finally realized what she was doing, I told her the piece was still hanging on the side and there was nothing to find. I guess she has had some experience with these kinds of situations!!!

So then Jeff, Johanna, and I jumped in the car and went to the ER, leaving Megan and Lindsay with the twins and a fussy Sage.

When we got to the hospital to check-in there was a lady there with an older lady in a wheelchair waiting to check-in, when she turned around and saw us she stepped back and told me I could go first. Then we got all our info to secretary, and they had the triage nurse come out and bring us a bandage, but when she saw Oakley's finger, she put the bandage back in her pocket and said "Follow me." She took us right back and within just a few minutes they were getting ready to sew her finger back on. I was so grateful that we didn't have to wait forever!

Josh was in Colorado at CE training and knew his classes got out at 12, it wasn't quite 12, but I called him anyway. He didn't answer, but he texted me saying he would be out of class in a few minutes. I texted him back: Oky cut off tip of finger. in er. He quickly left his class and called me. He tried to catch an earlier flight home, but just ended up sitting in the airport all afternoon, wishing he could be home.

The doctor did a great job of sewing her finger back on and we were out of the hospital within just a few hours. Oakley is doing a great job getting used to her splint, they put a splint on her from her elbow all the way past her finger tips and she is doing a great job of being left handed. She doesn't even complain about it. I think she knows it would hurt a lot worse if it wasn't for that splint.

So here are the pictures!!

Just got to the hospital. Mom talking to Dad.

Getting all the monitors on! Preparing for surgery.

Notice the tip of finger on the side.

Doctor showing us the bone. There may have been a crack or a fraction of the bone missing.

Almost done!

Like new again

Putting on the splint

Waiting for Oakley to wake up!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pioneer Day--Sage 17 days old

Sage with g-grandma Cook.

The girls all dressed up for pioneer day! Thanks Grandma Anderson for finding some pioneer outfits. (Pictures of Colton to come.)

I had to save the best for last!

Just some cute pictures

Here are some pictures from the past few months.

This is the family reunion in Logan. The girls had a great time doing make-up with Daddy!

Me and my girls! (Boy do I look tired! Sage is about 12 hours old)

Do you think Oakley is trying to impersonate Sage??!!!! Pretty funny! Who do you think Sage looks like?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sage , One week old

Colton and Sage

Oakley and Sage

Kayletta and Sage

Kaci and Sage

Sage Irene

Well, I guess it is time for an update! Sage was born three weeks ago, on July 8. She is a wonderful baby and has really grown a lot in three weeks. She weighed 7lbs 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long. On July 20th she weighed 8lbs 8oz. So I am sure she is probably close to 10 lbs now. Josh says every time he sees her she has grown a new chin. She is quite the porker.

About the name, Sage was just a name that we liked, didn't have anything to do with either of our families, at least that's what we thought! Then when Josh's mom was here, she was looking at my family history and found that Sage is a surname in my family!!! What a coincidence!

As for her middle name we really struggled, it is really hard to find a name that flows well with Sage. Of course we had a few suggestions of brush, bush, and hill, but soon vetoed all of those. I have really gotten into family history this past year, and have been working on my g-grandmother, Dorthea Irene's line. She died a few weeks after having her third child, my g-grandfather kept the baby for another month, before deciding the baby would be better off with a mother and gave her up for adoption. Dorthea is buried somewhere here in Baker, but we haven't been able to find her. So that is where the name Irene came from. This past week as I was going through some family history, I found the adoption papers for this little girl, I always knew her as Reva, but on the adoption papers I found out that my g-grandparents named her Irene, then the adoptive parents changed her name. So Irene is a very special name to me. My grandma searched for years for her little sister and finally found her later in life. They had a very good relationship until Reva died. So there is the story behind the name.

Life is very busy with 5 kids, 4 of them within 4.5 years!!! But we are adjusting well, and thankful for all of the help both of our mothers have given. Thank you, we couldn't have done it without you! Well, I guess I better see if I can upload some pictures.

Now this is a fresh baby!!!!! I would say minutes old.

Precious! You can see how much these girls love their baby sister!

Colton also loves his little sister!

That's it for now, I have to go rescue the twins from Oakley!

Old Family Picture

Old Family Picture