Saturday, July 28, 2007

Becky visiting--Yeah

My sister Becky is here. She doesn't understand why I don't blog? I don't even know what a blog is? So she set me up with a blog site. What's that? She doesn't understand why I don't own a cel phone? or an I Pod, what's that? I'm not sure what it is but I don't have a "DVR" either, or a "GPS". I think she's embarrassed for me. I don't even own a laptop. I do have a digital camera, at least Kari does, but I'm not sure how to use it. I can't wait to move back to the country. Anyways, she's got me thinking and now I want my own blog, so here goes. "BECKY, now what do I do??"

Well, I guess I need a cel phone now. I found a pretty good one at DI. What do you think???

Bye, wish me luck!


1 comment: said...

Hi Josh,
Cool blog. Make sure you update it a lot. I will email you some pictures of your kids to put on there!
Love you,

Old Family Picture

Old Family Picture