Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Program

Hello all, we sure enjoyed having Mom and Dad here visiting us this past couple of days. I'm not sure Dad will want to come back though. I had him out helping me work cows 2 of the 4 days he was here. McKenzie should be happy, she called and asked if I could save her some "rocky mtn. oysters" from my work and so I sent some home with Dad for her to cook up. Hope they turn out well. Thanks for the help dad, he also hung a chandelier and some other light fixtures for Kari in the house. Mom was able to spend time with the kids and do some shopping while she was here. We enjoyed having them here and the kids are already sad they are gone.

We were able to go to Colton's school Christmas program where Colton dressed up like a penguin in the play "how the penguins saved Christmas" It was really cute. A couple of days before the program I asked him if he was ready and knew his 3 parts and he said he knew his parts ok but he still had to practice his waddle. He said Emily had a good waddle and he needed to practice his before the program. Their were 8 penguins, some reindeer, lots of kids singing off pitch, and once the show even got delayed for a kindergarten potty break. The gym was full with parents and friends and Santa even showed up at the end. Colton did great with his parts and his waddle, we are so proud of him. It's hard to believe he has grown up so fast and the girls are right behind him.

Kari was asking Colton what he ate for lunch at school today and he said he had cheese sandwiches and soup to dip the sandwich in. She asked him how much he ate and it sounds like he didn't eat that much, he was way too hungry when he got home from school. He told her that along with the sandwich and soup him and some of his friends found some cereal in the salad bar. I guess they loaded up their trays with that cereal. Kari asked him what kind it was and he said it was shredded mini wheats, and really good too. They just ate them dry, without any milk and they were really crunchy. She asked if they were frosted and he said no, just small and crunchy. Kari said, Colton, that wasn't mini wheat cereal, it was croutons!


Anonymous said...

Josh- It sounds like your kids are growing up just like you! Funny as ever! Do you have some pictures of the penguins? Love ya, Marcy said...

That's really funny about the croutons. I love croutons, they're really good, even without milk!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Old Family Picture

Old Family Picture