Monday, December 24, 2007

Tribute to Jeff

Happy Birthday Jeff

Born at Cassia memorial, to a grateful mom and dad

A newborn baby boy, his dad was really glad.

His mom survived the blizzard, driven home in a blur

The snow was piled high, no problem for the tractor.

Jeff grew up so fast, he really loved to play

This December 21st, was his 24th birthday.

And over the years, there have been many memories

Playing in the dirt, and doctoring scraped knees.

He always loved to swim, he could have been a shark,

He’d swim out to the island, even after dark.

And go on crazy dates, the girls thought he was hip

Movies in the corn field, even snowmobiling trips.

He was a mighty Spartan, and played tough on Friday nights

A Minico linebacker, with football pads and tights.

His hits were so hard, he’d scare the other team

You didn’t have to listen much, to hear his mother scream.

She was awful proud, of her tough athletic son

And all the great awards, and medals he has won.

His senior year in football, it was voted that he was great

Even without his mother’s vote, he made linebacker, all-state.

He loved to wrestle, he started when he was young,

He didn’t always win at first, but he thought it was fun.

He got better and better, I taught him all my moves,

And then he learned some more, rarely would he lose.

Coach Cooper helped him work hard, and believe in his skills

He made him work at practice, and work hard in the drills.

Working hard was not new to him, and he was probably glad

He inherited a work ethic, by growing up helping his dad.

He started wrestling freestyle, and even won at state

He joined Team Idaho, to help make him great.

He traveled to many states, wrestling in many towns

Getting lots of pins, and most of all, takedowns.

His senior year was coming, he had so many meets

Coach Brad taught him to be tough, and not accept defeat.

That year was not always easy, he really had a run

Not losing a single match, an Idaho State Champion!

There’s so many memories, that I have of Jeff my bro’

Like rolling the 4 wheeler, and building caves in the snow.

He even came to visit me, to be by my side

Hitch-hiking to Moscow, because he didn’t have a ride.

He had a late scare one night, I remember answering the phone

Dad told me Jeff crashed his bike, right outside Mountain Home.

His life was in balance, when Lifeflight did arrive

A modern day miracle, he’s lucky to be alive.

I am so grateful, to spend another day

With you my BIG little brother, I’d have it no other way.

Jeff you are very special, to your family and friends

I love you and your family, a love that never ends.

I’m not sure why I wrote this, I had no gift for you,

Nothing for your birthday, so this will have to do.

I’m not real good at telling, my feelings about others

This I want you to know, I’m proud of you my brother.

Now this poem is almost finished, there’s another thing to know

One thing I should tell you, before I have to go.

I hope you had a good birthday, lots of presents and such

Sorry for all the times, I beat you up so much.

You are my little brother, and I remember when

I’d beat you up so easy, you were a cinch to pin.

Now you’re a little stronger, it’s harder to make you cry

You put up a better fight, sometimes I even let you tie.

Happy Birthday Jeff, love,


December 2007

1 comment: said...

Great poem Josh! My eyes got all teary. Happy birthday to Jeff and Merry Christmas to everyone!

Old Family Picture

Old Family Picture