Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Oakley

Oakley is a precious little girl. She is adored by all of us, even Colton, McKay and Kaci. They take very good care of her. She is growing up way to fast. She is now walking everywhere and is very proud of herself. She can sign "please" and "all done" and uses them a lot. She always says "Hi DAD" as soon as she sees Josh. She doesn't like to play with toys all she wants to do is go outside and play with rocks and dirt. She also likes to pull grass and weeds, and be on the trampoline with her brother and sisters. She is always ready to go. We have a six-month-old puppy, Soda. That she also loves, and he loves her. He will come right over and lay beside her. He is always kind and gentle with her and is always close to her if she is sitting in the grass. Oakley will be one on Sunday. My how time flies. We have lived in three different places since she was born!!!


andreamichelle said...

that is really neat that Oakley is talking so soon! Ethan is finally starting to sign, a little, and only when he is very desperate.

Holly said...

She is looking so different! She has lost a lot of her little baby roundness! Can't wait to see you guys!

McknzAnderson said...

Kari, I can't decide which pictures I want. They are all so cute! Uh, could I get a couple wallets... maybe the very first one and then the one where she is wearing the hat? And maybe a 5x7 of the one with her hand up to her mouth! Thanks. Can't wait to see you guys!

Old Family Picture

Old Family Picture