Saturday, December 20, 2008


Tonight we drove to LaGrande to go to a live Nativity scene. This was no ordinary event but an actual reenactment of a trip to Bethlehem. We went to the Inn, but there was no room. The Roman gaurds/soldiers which you can see in the picture came around to collect taxes and make sure we were all following the "rules." At the census, they asked us how we got there, walk, ride or by a camel. Colton told them we rode in on an elephant (who left with our trunk). The whole reenactment was great, angels singing, wise men, a variety of booths and shops along the streets of "Bethlehem," live animals, and much more. We had fun and it was a great way to look at the events and coming of the Messiah.

1 comment:

andreamichelle said...

that is really neat. my home ward did something like that when I was really young, and I've always remembered it.

Old Family Picture

Old Family Picture